Journal Description: The International Journal of Sustainable Development Through AI, ML and IoT is a pioneering and interdisciplinary platform dedicated to advancing the understanding, application, and integration of Artificial Intelligence (AI), Machine Learning (ML), and Internet of Things (IoT) technologies in the realm of sustainable development. This peer-reviewed journal serves as a conduit for researchers, practitioners, and policy makers to exchange cutting-edge knowledge, innovative methodologies, and transformative insights aimed at addressing global sustainability challenges.

Scope: The journal provides a comprehensive and inclusive space for the exploration of sustainable development paradigms through the lens of AI, ML, and IoT. It welcomes original research articles, reviews, case studies, and technical notes that illuminate the synergies between these technologies and sustainable practices across various domains, including but not limited to:

  1. Environmental Sustainability: Investigating the role of AI, ML, and IoT in environmental monitoring, resource conservation, climate change mitigation, and biodiversity preservation.

  2. Smart Cities and Urban Planning: Exploring how AI, ML, and IoT contribute to the development of smart and sustainable urban environments, enhancing infrastructure efficiency, transportation systems, waste management, and energy consumption.

  3. Agriculture and Food Security: Examining innovative applications of AI, ML, and IoT in precision agriculture, crop yield prediction, pest control, sustainable farming practices, and ensuring food supply chain resilience.

  4. Renewable Energy: Addressing the utilization of AI, ML, and IoT in optimizing renewable energy sources, managing energy grids, and enhancing energy efficiency for a cleaner and more sustainable energy future.

  5. Healthcare and Well-being: Investigating the intersection of AI, ML, and IoT in healthcare systems, disease prediction, personalized medicine, remote patient monitoring, and improving overall public health outcomes.

  6. Ethical and Societal Implications: Reflecting on the ethical, legal, and social implications of deploying AI, ML, and IoT technologies in sustainable development contexts, and fostering responsible innovation.

  7. Policy and Governance: Analyzing the role of policy frameworks, regulatory approaches, and international cooperation in harnessing the potential of AI, ML, and IoT for sustainable development on a global scale.

Why Publish with Us?

  • Interdisciplinary Perspective: Our journal bridges the gap between technology and sustainability, encouraging collaboration between researchers from diverse backgrounds.
  • Impactful Research: By focusing on real-world applications, we emphasize research that has the potential to create meaningful, positive change.
  • Rigorous Peer Review: Manuscripts undergo a rigorous peer-review process by experts in both technology and sustainability domains.
  • Global Reach: We provide a platform for researchers and practitioners from around the world to showcase their work and contribute to a sustainable future.

The International Journal of Sustainable Development Through AI, ML and IoT is committed to advancing knowledge at the intersection of technology and sustainability, paving the way for a more harmonious and prosperous world for current and future generations. Join us in shaping the future of sustainable development through innovative research and transformative solutions.

Current Issue

Vol. 3 No. 1 (2024): IJSDAI
					View Vol. 3 No. 1 (2024): IJSDAI

Volume 3, Issue 1, 2024 - Nurturing the Growth of Sustainable Knowledge

Welcoming you to the inaugural edition of our journal for the year 2024, we embark on a new chapter in our unwavering pursuit of advancing sustainability research. This issue marks the continuation of our commitment to fostering scholarly discourse that addresses the complex challenges and promising solutions within the realm of sustainability.

In this volume, we proudly present a carefully curated selection of papers that exemplify the diversity of perspectives, methodologies, and interdisciplinary approaches inherent in sustainability studies. From a competitive pool of submissions, each featured paper has undergone rigorous double-blind reviews, reflecting our dedication to maintaining the highest standards of quality and relevance.

With an acceptance rate of approximately 5.8%, we uphold our tradition of publishing research that not only meets but exceeds expectations, contributing significantly to our collective understanding of sustainability issues. Our heartfelt appreciation goes out to the dedicated authors who have shared their valuable insights, as well as to our meticulous reviewers for their indispensable contributions to the peer-review process.

As we venture further into Volume 3, we remain enthusiastic about the pivotal role our journal plays in shaping the discourse on sustainability. We invite our esteemed readers to immerse themselves in the illuminating content of this issue, as each paper offers unique perspectives and enriching insights into the multifaceted landscape of sustainability studies.

This edition sets the stage for the anticipated strides and innovations in sustainability scholarship, and we eagerly anticipate the forthcoming submissions that will continue to propel our commitment to excellence. To our readers and contributors alike, we extend our sincere gratitude for your unwavering support, which remains integral to propelling sustainability scholarship to new heights.

Thank you for being part of this enriching journey.

Editor in Chief

Published: 2024-02-13
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