Cloud-Native Architectures: Design Principles and Best Practices for Scalable Applications

Cloud-Native Architectures: Design Principles and Best Practices for Scalable Applications


  • Nageswararao Kanchepu


Cloud-native architectures represent a fundamental shift in the way modern applications are designed, built, and deployed in cloud environments. This comprehensive paper delves deeply into the intricate nuances of cloud-native architectures, elucidating the core design principles and best practices essential for crafting scalable and resilient applications. By embracing containerization, microservices architecture, and DevOps methodologies, cloud-native architectures empower organizations to develop applications that are inherently adaptable, agile, and responsive to dynamic business requirements. Through an exhaustive examination of design patterns, deployment strategies, and operational considerations, this paper offers invaluable insights into the fundamental components and defining characteristics of cloud-native architectures. 


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How to Cite

Cloud-Native Architectures: Design Principles and Best Practices for Scalable Applications. (2023). International Journal of Sustainable Development Through AI, ML and IoT, 2(2), 1-21.

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