Measuring Sustainable Progress: AI-Driven Psychometrics for Development Analysis

Measuring Sustainable Progress: AI-Driven Psychometrics for Development Analysis


  • Ashima Bhatnagar Research Scholar, Jagan Nath University (Haryana) & Assistant Professor, VIPS - TC, Delhi, India
  • Dr. Kavita Mittal Associate Professor Department of Computer Science, Jagan Nath University (Haryana), India


This study presents the quantitative outcomes of applying AI-driven psychometric analysis to investigate the nexus between psychological factors and sustainable practices. Utilizing a sample cohort of 1000 participants, the research unveiled a robust positive correlation (r = 0.78, p < 0.001) between metrics assessing psychological well-being and active engagement in sustainable behaviors. The integration of Machine Learning models yielded promising results, demonstrating an 85% accuracy in predicting sustainable conduct based on psychometric evaluations. These quantitative findings underscore the pivotal role of AI-infused methodologies in comprehending and forecasting the interplay between psychological aspects and sustainable development initiatives, offering insights crucial for informed policy-making and interventions.


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How to Cite

Measuring Sustainable Progress: AI-Driven Psychometrics for Development Analysis. (2023). International Journal of Sustainable Development Through AI, ML and IoT, 2(2), 1-9.

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